SPA Authentication using Laravel 11 Sanctum, Vue 3 and Vite

Laravel Vue Authentication using Sanctum: In this SPA Authentication using Laravel 11 Sanctum, Vue 3 and Vite tutorial, you will learn how to create a secure authentication system in Laravel 11 and vue.js applications using the Laravel Sanctum package.

You’ll master the creation of a RESTful Authentication API, empowering your Laravel 11 backend and Vue.js 3 frontend with essential features like user registration, login, and logout. By harnessing the power of Laravel Sanctum, you’ll ensure top-notch security while seamlessly integrating token-based authentication.

Throughout the tutorial, you’ll leverage Vue Router 4 and Vite, optimizing routing and development workflow for an efficient user experience. By combining Laravel 11 robust backend capabilities with Vue.js’s dynamic frontend framework, you’ll create a seamless and secure authentication system tailored to modern web applications.

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Laravel 11 + Vue.js 3 CRUD App Example Tutorial

laravel vue js crud

Throughout this Laravel 11 + Vue.js 3 CRUD App example tutorial, you will learn how to build a basic crud (create, read, update, delete) app with Laravel 11 and vue 3 using Vue Router 4 (latest version) and pre-packaged config vite.

Previously, Laravel came pre-packaged with Vue through tools like Laravel Mix, simplifying the process of creating sophisticated single-page applications. However, Laravel has transitioned away from Mix and adopted Vite as a replacement.

So, let’s see how to integrate the Laravel vue.js CRUD operations in a (spa) single-page application with vue.js components and the Laravel app.

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Simple Ajax CRUD Application in Laravel 11 Step-by-Step

Using this Laravel Ajax CRUD tutorial you will learn how to create a simple AJAX crud application in Laravel 11 step by step. The simple and easy way example to explain Ajax crud with Laravel 10 framework (create, read the update, delete) without page refresh or reload.

In this Laravel Ajax CRUD operation with validation example, we will use bootstrap modal, datatables, validation errors, search sort, and pagination functionality and send requests to the backend without refreshing the page.

We will create a posts crud operation in Laravel using Ajax requests to save, edit, update and delete data using resource controllers and routes.

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How to Show Success Message in Laravel 11 Example

Hello Forks, using the Laravel success message example, we will teach you how to show success messages in Laravel 11 return from the controller to blade files. It’s common in web applications to provide feedback to users, informing them about successful actions or any encountered errors. We often utilize the return redirect back method from controller files to dynamically display such messages.

Showing a success message to the user view is most important and best because the user is satisfied when they have changed anything in the admin panel.

In Laravel, we can effectively show the success message in Laravel using various methods such as return view, return back(), and return redirect back(). By utilizing the session predefined method “with()” in the controller file and passing the message, we can seamlessly display it in the corresponding blade file. Let’s delve into an example code to understand how to send session messages from the controller and exhibit them in the blade file.

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Laravel Delete Confirmation Alert Dialog with Sweet Alert

In this tutorial, we going to share Laravel Delete Confirmation Alert Dialog with Sweet Alert. Deleting records with sweet alert confirmation is very important because not the data will delete any misunderstanding.

Sweet Alert offers an elegant solution to display confirmation dialogs to users, ensuring they have clarity and confidence when deleting records. By implementing the Sweet Alert confirmation box with cancel and yes buttons, users can confirm their intent before proceeding with the deletion process in Laravel 11. Laravel Delete with Sweetalert confirms Alert Dialog box tutorial is added by step by step process below.

This approach not only enhances user experience but also mitigates the risk of unintended deletions. With Sweet Alert, users can confidently manage their data, knowing they have control over the actions they take.

So let’s dive into this tutorial and learn how to integrate Sweet Alert’s delete confirmation dialog seamlessly into your Laravel application, adding an extra layer of user-friendly functionality and security.

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